May 10–15, 2021
Now Virtual
AAI is holding its 104th annual meeting as a fully online experience!
Thank you for a great Virtual IMMUNOLOGY2021™!
Attendees can still see scientific sessions in the virtual platform’s “Replay Sessions” section.
- Dynamic event featuring leaders in the field from around the world
- Cutting-edge data in interactive poster sessions and block symposia
- Quality content in an easily accessible format
- Ability to attend from the comfort, convenience, and safety of home or office
- There has never been a more important time for the immunology community to gather and share the leading science for which our meetings and members are known!
2021 AAI President’s Program
AAI President’s Address
Monday, May 10
10:30 am ET

Jenny P.-Y. Ting
Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
AAI President (2020–2021)
The all-encompassing importance of innate immunity
Jeffrey A. Frelinger, Univ. of Arizona and Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Due to the cancellation of IMMUNOLOGY2020™, both Dr. Ting and Dr. Boss will have a president’s program at Virtual IMMUNOLOGY2021™.
2021 AAI President’s Symposium
The Impact of Immunology on Health and Diseases:
As Far as the Eye Can See
Wednesday, May 12
3:00 pm ET

Etty (Tika) N. Benveniste
Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham,
Neutrophil involvement in autoimmune neuroinflammation

Blossom A. Damania
Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Modulation of host immunity by human herpesviruses

Mary N. Carrington
The impact of immunogenetic variation on functional characteristics of the immune response

Laurie H. Glimcher
Dana Farber Cancer Inst.
Stressed out: a novel approach to cancer immunotherapy
2020 AAI President’s Program
AAI President’s Address
Monday, May 10
10:30 Am ET

Jeremy M. Boss
Emory Univ. Sch. of Med.
AAI President (2019–2020)
The regulation of immunity
Peter E. Jensen, Univ. of Utah
Due to the cancellation of IMMUNOLOGY2020™, both Dr. Ting and Dr. Boss will have a president’s program at Virtual IMMUNOLOGY2021™.
2020 AAI President’s Symposium
Genes and Genomes in Healthy and Autoimmune Lymphocytes
Thursday, May 13
3:00 pm ET

Michael S. Krangel
Duke Univ. Med. Ctr.
RAGs to repertoire in double positive thymocytes

Eugene M. Oltz
The Ohio State Univ. Col. of Med.
Wiring schemes for innate and adaptive lymphoid cells

Frances E. Lund
Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham
Inflammatory cytokine-mediated control of effector memory B cell development and function

Max D. Cooper
Emory Univ. Sch. of Med.
The evolution of T and B cells
Special Session
COVID-19 and the Science of Pandemics—Lessons Learned
Friday, May 14
12:00 pm ET

Anthony S. Fauci
COVID-19 vaccines:
a view from NIH

Linda J. Saif
The Ohio State Univ.
Mucosal immunity to COVID-19: Gut reactions and more than meets the eye, nose and mouth

Akiko Iwasaki
HHMI; Yale Univ. Sch. of Med.
Protective vs. harmful immune responses in COVID-19
AAI Distinguished Lectures
Tuesday, May 11
12:30 pm ET

Michael P. Cancro
Univ. of Pennsylvania Perelman
Sch. of Med.
A tale of two subsets: rethinking B cell selection, homeostasis, and memory
Wednesday, May 12
12:30 pm ET

Dario A.A. Vignali
Univ. of Pittsburgh Sch. of Med.
Immune inhibitory mechanisms in cancer
Thursday, May 13
12:30 pm ET

Donna L. Farber
Columbia Univ. Med. Ctr.
Human immunity in space and time
Career Awards
AAI Lifetime
Achievement Award
Monday, May 10
10:30 am ET
Presented prior to Dr. Ting’s President’s Address

Marc K. Jenkins
Univ. of Minnesota
AAI Distinguished
Service Award
5:00 pm ET
Presented at the
Business Meeting

Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker
Univ. of Toronto, and Sunnybrook Res. Inst., Canada
AAI Excellence in
Mentoring Award
Thursday, May 13
3:00 pm ET
Presented prior to Dr. Boss’s President’s Symposium

Jeffrey A. Bluestone
Univ. of California, San Francisco, and Sonoma Biotherapeutics
AAI Vanguard Lecture
Tuesday, May 11
11:00 Am ET

De’Broski R. Herbert
Univ. of Pennsylvania Sch. of Vet. Med.
IL-33 regulates the balance between inflammation and immunosuppression
AAI-Steinman Award for Human Immunology Research
Saturday, May 15
12:00 Pm ET

Michael J. Lenardo
Identification of novel gene defects leads to precision therapies for congenital immune diseases
AAI-BD Biosciences Investigator Award
Wednesday, May 12
1:45 pm ET

Erika L. Pearce
Bloomberg-Kimmel Inst. for Cancer Immunotherapy, Johns Hopkins Univ.
Metabolic regulation of T cell function
AAI-BioLegend Herzenberg Award
Friday, May 14
10:00 am ET

Susan K. Pierce
Regulators and influencers of B cell affinity discrimination
AAI-Thermo Fisher Meritorious Career Award
Thursday, May 13
1:45 pm ET

Alexander Y. Rudensky
HHMI, Mem. Sloan Kettering Cancer Ctr., Rockefeller Univ., and Weill Cornell Med.
The virtue of restraint in adaptive immunity
Important Dates
Late-Breaking Opens
February 9, 2021
Late-Breaking Closes
February 23, 2021
Meeting Awards
Late-breaking Poster
Awards Open
February 9, 2021
Late-breaking Poster
Awards Close
February 23, 2021
December 18, 2020
Early Reg. Discount Ends
April 20, 2021
All dates subject to change.