Sponsored by the AAI Clinical Immunology Committee
- Jennifer H. Anolik, Univ. of Rochester Med. Ctr., AAI Clinical Immunology Committee Chair
- John R. Lukens, Univ. of Virginia
- John S. Tsang, NIAID, NIH, Systems immunology of vaccination and COVID-19
- Ali H. Ellebedy, Washington Univ. Sch. of Med., Germinal center B cell response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination
- Meromit Singer, Dana-Farber Cancer Inst., Harvard Med. Sch., Single-cell RNA-seq coupled with clonal analysis reveals systemic T cell characteristics in melanoma
- Judith A. Woodfolk, Univ. of Virginia Sch. of Med., Tools and strategies for monitoring adaptive immunity to respiratory viruses in man
Single-cell analytics are changing the way we interpret and understand immunology. In this session sponsored by the AAI Clinical Immunology Committee, top researchers will highlight the use of single-cell analytics to explore human immunology and how such techniques will open doors to tomorrow’s therapeutics.